We will have soup for breakfast, and soup for lunch. And for dinner we will have broth! - my 10-yr-old son

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What does Stage 2 look like?

• Start each day with a cup of mineral or filtered water, warm or at room temperature, with a slice of lemon. Don't eat the lemon though, it's just for flavor (and to relieve constipation).
• meat stock (beef, poultry, fowl or fish)
• homemade soup with meat and/or veggies (use the meat stock as the base)
• boiled meat - separate or in the soup
• juice from fermented veggies -  see notes below
• ginger, mint or chamomile tea with honey (if you want)
• Add crushed garlic to your soup the last minute or two. You can also crush it right into your bowl then add the hot soup.

To the foods of Stage 1 listed above, you will add the following:

• Raw yolks from pastured chickens. Add these to your soups or cup of meat stock. Most people I’ve seen plop the yolk in the bottom of their bowl (with some garlic) then add the soup and stir. Start with one yolk a day and increase it until you are having one yolk in every bowl of soup.
• Soft-boiled eggs in soup (yolks runny and white cooked) – add these only after the yolks are well-tolerated.
• Stews and casseroles made with meats and well-cooked veggies.
• Fresh herbs
• Increase the amount of juice added to your soups, stews, etc. from your fermented veggies. You should be having 3-5 teaspoons a day (if you’re tolerating them well). Eventually you want to get to where you are adding 3-5 teaspoons to every bowl of soup/stew/etc. every day.
• Fermented fish – start with one piece a day and gradually increase
• Homemade ghee – start with one teaspoon a day and gradually increase
• Increase the amount of homemade whey, sour cream, yogurt and kefir, if you are introducing them at this point.

Remember to keep doing the detox baths as needed. Use one cup of baking soda, apple cider vinegar or epsom salt.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for posting this! It is a fabulous reference. I did want to make one note from my understanding of the egg yolk introduction. I read in the GAPS Guide Book (which I really appreciate) to only try 1 tsp. the first day, if no reaction then none for day 2, 3 tsp. the 3rd day, then eat as you will after that if no reaction. Hope this helps! I think that might be the guideline for introducing any new food.
